As with many folks in the trades, Tom Silva’s future as a general contractor almost seemed inevitable. Growing up in a home of family members who loved working with their hands, the bug caught Tom at a very early age. His father was a builder and his mother and grandmother were both seamstresses, so he’s always had a hands-on influence. Tom says he grew up in the trades. He remembers being three or four years old, following his dad around with a hammer, and breaking things. He loved working alongside his dad, spending his junior high school summers renovating homes with him. Being one of five boys, there were always chores and projects to complete. When Tom finished school, he went to work for his dad’s business. Tom’s always had an appreciation for the old ways things were done. While never being afraid to try a new tool or material, he prefers the old techniques that last for years and years. It’s this appreciation for things that last that makes Tom’s job as a general contractor so gratifying. He enjoys driving down the road with his kids and pointing out houses he built 40 years ago. As far as his start with This Old House, Tom grew up next to Russ Morris, the show’s creator. When the show kicked off, Russ approached Tom about it, to which Tom said he was too busy. Russ didn’t take no for an answer, bringing the show to one of Tom’s jobs and interviewing him about the project. That’s when Tom caught the TV star bug. Tom loves being part of the This Old House and Ask This Old House teams. He enjoys helping people and sharing a technique, skill, or piece of advice for them whenever he can. Whenever a viewer comes up and thanks him for what he does, he feels they appreciate his work as well. Tom usually spends his free time in his shop building furniture, or on the water in his boat. When it comes to things viewers might not know about Tom, he ranks this fact as number one: He used to sew. He even made his daughter’s clothing when she was in grammar school.